Lavender is a real miracle in beauty treatment. That’s why many products contain lavender, whether it is soap, face cream or body lotion.
These products can be made at home, of course, with due caution and precautions.
And why is lavender good?
First, rice and lavender flowers are finely ground in a coffee grinder. Put in a bowl, drip the essential oils and add 20gr of olive oil and 5gr of grape seeds. Remove a small amount of water from the total amount, dissolve the honey and add it to the mixture. After adequate preparation, the fats are heated and the caustic soda is mixed with the water. When both have reached a 40 ° C unification temperature (honey is sugary, this raises the reaction temperature), the alkali is added to the fats. Mix with botmixer, then add the essential oil mixture. After a little stirring, we pour into a mold. We cover it loosely in the first 24 hours (the honey can overheat the mass and burn valuable additives), then wait for the soap paste to slice well in the second 24 hours. We slice lavender flowers on it. Ripen for 6 weeks, turning occasionally.
Melt the beeswax, coconut oil, and cocoa butter over the boiling water, then add the lavender essential oil, the vitamin E, and the almond oil. Place in a small pot and place in the freezer for 5 minutes. It can be stored in the fridge or even in the bathroom on a shelf, but by no means can it be placed in a warm place.
Heat the olive oil, almond oil and chocolate with the beeswax. When the wax and chocolate have completely melted, remove the pan from the heat and cool slightly while stirring constantly. Add the Panthenol, the Vitamin E and the essential oil. Mix well and pour into a pot. Get in the freezer and you're done! It will be 50 ml.